More Than Soccer

More than Soccer

More than Soccer

Merced Soccer Academy has a rich history that goes back to 2001. Since that time, the organization has built a program that boasts over 700 student participants per year. The MSA motto, "More than Just Soccer," really tells the story of our organization. We have grown from a simple soccer organization to a hub of education and community action in the community.

Merced Soccer Academy is passionate about improving the lives of the people who live in our community. We have an extensive history working with children, families, community members, colleges, schools, nonprofits, businesses, etc. These successful experiences are what prove that MSA is "More Than Just Soccer".

We are proud to have developed great partnerships with the City of Merced to open Merced Soccer Academy Parent/ Youth Center at Stephen Leonard Park, Merced City Parks, and Recreation, Merced County Office of Education with great programs like FuERTE, Caring Kids, Kaleidoscope, Merced County District Attorneys Office, Merced Probation Department, Merced Union High School District, Merced City School District, Merced Adult School, and the City of Livingston.

Parent Cafe/ Un Cafecito:

Come build friendships and relationships of mutual support. Learn resources and ideas from Community Members. Help your child and community reach maximum potential. Free Donuts and Coffee! Every Monday from 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM



FuERTE (Future, Excellence and Resilient through Education) is an after school program funded by MCOE for Migrant youth that offers tutoring and academic assistance. Goals and Outcomes of FuERTE:

  • acquire and enhance math and science skills
  • increase their grades in math and science
  • improve their school attendance
  • learn and understand lifestyles that promote health and emotional wellness
  • gain more confidence and ability to focus
  • safe learning environment
  • families gain connection to a great community resource
  • parents have better understanding of Parent Engagement and educational opportunities

Monday to Thursday 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.




Merced Soccer Academy has been given the opportunity to work with the Merced County District Attorneys Office and be part of the VIPER (Violence Interruption Prevention Emergency Response) program. The VIPER program's goal is to help improve the lives of "at risk" youth in Merced County through gang prevention and intervention. Merced Soccer Academy and the Merced County District Attorney office work diligently on providing youth with the necessary tools, guidance and resources they need to position them in the path to a better life providing:

  • Adult/Peer Mentors
  • Tutoring: focused on improvement of grades & school attendance
  • Setting goals via Personal Advancement plan
  • Leadership/Team building Skills
  • Counseling
  • Health and Fitness Education
  • Specializing in subjects like Math, Spanish Language & Life Skills
  • Educational opportunities
  • Avidly assisting youth in obtaining a High School diploma
  • College preparation

Monday to Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in being part of VIPER and becoming an adult mentor please download the application and call 209-724-0850.

Adult Mentor Application

Peer Mentor Application


Caring Kids:

The Caring Kids program comes to MSA weekly to provide resources and services to children ages 0 to 5 and their families to help support healthy and optimal child development. The program, which is funded by MCOE, helps children learn self-regulation and social skills. It teaches parents and caregivers the best ways to help children develop socially and emotionally. These services help build protective factors and reduce challenging behaviors which will increase the chances of children being successful in school.  For more information please contact: Monica Adrian (209) 381-6790 ext. 6146

Tuesdays from 10:00 -1:30 and 1:00-2:30 p.m




Kaleidoscope playgroup gives parents, caregivers, friends, and families a safe space for their children to interact with other kids their ages. It also gives caretakers a chance to learn from other adults and child care specialists. For more information please contact: 
Mary Baumann (209) 381-6793 ext 6129

Wednesdays 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. 


Action Yab: 

Merced Soccer Academy is proud to host  Youth Advisory Board (YAB) meetings for youth coalition Advocates Countering Tobacco In Our Neighborhoods (ACTION) .  The board helps and participates in several community events where they help inform the community of the ill effects of tobacco, as well as participate in camping trips, presentations to city and local officials, tobacco litter cleanups and visits to the state capital to share information with assembly members. 


Consulado Mexicano Sobre Ruedas:

The mobile Consulate of Mexico visits Merced Soccer Academy Parent/ Youth Center to process Mexican Passports, Matriculas, Credencial para Votar, Birth Certificates, Dual Citizenship info and much more.  

Upcoming Dates: Coming Soon!

For appointments please call 1-877-639-4835 or visit